Use the Uptime app in Kibana to monitor the uptime and availability of a service
let discover together the Uptime feature in the Observabilty application,
First thing you go to Kibana >> Observability >> Uptime Monitors, you will see this
if you followed the steps we did in the previous blogs / videos, you will see the three services up and running.
to the right you find the filters that will help you to quickly filter for the services that you want to monitor, even from the location or port or scheme or tag
also you can use the search bar to quickly filter on lets say you a service, for example search for HTTP, will return the service that use HTTP monitor.
another way to filter the services is by filter UP services or Down or both like this
last one is if you want to dive deeply and understand or investigate the issue you have the investigation boton where you will have different options, you can see the logs, metrics of the service you can go directly to APM and more as we can see below:
you can see the metrics of the services as below
if you get to this point then congrats ^^
let me know if you have any question or any issues in the comment section, and will see you in the next blog ^^